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Tromsø vs Kristiansund Predicted Lineups

Tromsø Tromsø
Kristiansund Kristiansund

Top Players

See how Tromsø and Kristiansund measure up against each other by comparing their top rated lineups! Get all the information you need in this helpful chart.

9.0Runar Robinsønn Norheim
7.8Ruben Jenssen
7.4Jakob Napoleon Romsaas
7.8O. Sivertsen
7.8Pape Guèye
7.4Sebastian Jarl
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Eliteserien Standings

# Team PTS MP GD
1 Bodø / GlimtBodø / Glimt 22 9 16
2 BrannBrann 21 10 9
3 FredrikstadFredrikstad 20 9 12
4 MoldeMolde 17 10 7
5 VikingViking 15 9 2
6 KFUMKFUM 13 9 0
7 StrømsgodsetStrømsgodset 13 9 -3
8 HamKamHamKam 10 10 3
9 KristiansundKristiansund 10 9 -3
10 RosenborgRosenborg 10 9 -4
11 HaugesundHaugesund 10 9 -5
12 LillestrømLillestrøm 10 9 -6
13 Sarpsborg 08Sarpsborg 08 10 9 -7
14 OddOdd 9 10 -11
15 SandefjordSandefjord 7 8 -3
16 TromsøTromsø 6 8 -7
UEFA Champions League Qualifiers
Relegation Play-off

Match info

City Tromso
Stadium Alfheim Stadion
Capacity 6687