Korona Kielce vs ŁKS Łódź Predicted Lineups

Korona Kielce Korona Kielce
ŁKS Łódź ŁKS Łódź

Top Players

See how Korona Kielce and ŁKS Łódź measure up against each other by comparing their top rated lineups! Get all the information you need in this helpful chart.

8.7Yevgeni Shikavka
7.4Bartosz Kwiecień
7.3Marcel Pieczek
7.9Kamil Dankowski
7.7Engjëll Hoti
7.5Bartosz Szeliga
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Match info

City Kielce
Stadium Kolporter Arena
Address ul. Ściegiennego 8
Capacity 5000