Örebro vs Åtvidaberg Timeline

The Teams Örebro vs Åtvidaberg timeline has played 8 Games up to today. Among them, Örebro won 6 games ( 3 at home, 3 at away), Åtvidaberg won 1 ( 1 at home, 0 at away), and Örebro draw 1 (0 at home, 1 at away).

Örebro has scored 2.25 goals on average in each game. On the other side, Åtvidaberg has scored 1.38 goals on average in each game.

H2H Record

Örebro 6
Draw 1
Åtvidaberg 1
Total 8

Örebro vs Åtvidaberg Head to head Statistics

Home team
Head to head
Away team

Head to head Timeline

About the Örebro vs Åtvidaberg Timeline

In the Sweden Allsvenskan, the two teams played a total of 8 games before, of which Örebro won 6, Åtvidaberg won 1 and the two teams draw 1.

You have arrived at the page where you may compare the teams Örebro versus Åtvidaberg timeline before the game begins. Statistics for both teams can be easily compared here.

Under/Over Statistics, Predictions
So far, the combined matches of Örebro and Åtvidaberg have ended 3 times with 2 goals or less and 5 times with more than 2 goals.

When performing at home, Örebro took part to 1 match that finished with 2 goals or less (UNDER 2.5 - 25.0%) and 3 matches that ended with more than 2 goals (OVER 2.5 - 75.0%).

When playing away from home, Åtvidaberg participated in 2 matches that ended with both teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 - 50.0%) and 2 matches that finished with more than 2 goals (OVER 2.5 - 50.0%).

Who is better Örebro vs Åtvidaberg FC?

Last 8 matches, Örebro scored a total of 18 goals and won 6 games (75%) and Åtvidaberg scored a total of 11 goals and won 1 games (13%). 13% was draw.

This page contains information about a team's detailed from 2005.
Örebro vs Åtvidaberg Timeline & Lineups Video

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