Liga MX 2023-2024 H2H, Predictions: Round 12 16th March

Mexico Liga MX 2023-2024 Round-12 2024-03-16 matches

Head to head, Prediction and statistics for Querétaro vs Juárez, Tijuana vs Santos Laguna and Cruz Azul vs Necaxa. They will play on 16th March.

Querétaro vs Juárez Prediction

Querétaro will play the next match in Liga MX against Juárez in Santiago de Querétaro. The prediction is that Querétaro will win the contest. In conformity with our forecast, there are 45.45% chances that Querétaro prevails. There is a 29.41% chance of a draw.

Querétaro vs Juárez Head to Head (H2H)

  • Querétaro: 5
  • Draw: 4
  • Juárez: 2

Querétaro performance and stats

Querétaro is currently 10th in the Liga MX with 14 points.

In the last 28 games it has won 8 times, draw 9 times, and lost 11 times. In its last match, Querétaro won 1-2 against Pachuca.

It has a positive goal difference after scoring 15 goals and conceding 14.

The top scorer is R.Zúñiga who has scored 6 goals in 14 matches. He has scored 1 penalty.

Juárez performance and stats

Juárez is currently 18th in the Liga MX with 3 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 5 times, draw 6 times, and lost 16 times. In its last match, Juárez draw 1-1 against Toluca.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 7 goals and conceding 17.

The leading scorer is A.Hurtado who has scored 6 goals in 21 matches. He has scored 3 penalties.

Tijuana vs Santos Laguna Prediction

Tijuana will play the next match in Liga MX against Santos Laguna in Tijuana. The prediction is that Tijuana will win the contest. As per our forecast, there are 51.28% chances that Tijuana prevails. There is a 27.78% chance of a draw.

Tijuana vs Santos Laguna Head to Head (H2H)

  • Tijuana: 7
  • Draw: 8
  • Santos Laguna: 10

Tijuana performance and stats

Tijuana is currently 16th in the Liga MX with 7 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 6 times, draw 9 times, and lost 12 times. In its last match, Tijuana draw 3-3 against Pumas UNAM.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 12 goals and conceding 18.

The top scorer is C.Gonzalez who has scored 9 goals in 27 matches. He scored nothing on the penalty.

Santos Laguna performance and stats

Santos Laguna is currently 12th in the Liga MX with 13 points.

In the last 30 games it has won 12 times, draw 3 times, and lost 15 times. In its last match, Santos Laguna won 3-0 against Cruz Azul.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 11 goals and conceding 16.

The top scorer is H.Preciado who has scored 16 goals in 25 matches. He has scored 3 penalties.

Cruz Azul vs Necaxa Prediction

Cruz Azul will play the next match in Liga MX against Necaxa in D.F.. The prediction is that Cruz Azul will win the contest. According to our analysis, there are 66.67% chances that Cruz Azul prevails. There is a 25% chance of a draw.

Cruz Azul vs Necaxa Head to Head (H2H)

  • Cruz Azul: 12
  • Draw: 5
  • Necaxa: 8

Cruz Azul performance and stats

Cruz Azul is currently 3rd in the Liga MX with 22 points.

In the last 28 games it has won 12 times, draw 3 times, and lost 13 times. In its last match, Cruz Azul lost 3-0 against Santos Laguna.

It has a positive goal difference after scoring 16 goals and conceding 9.

The leading scorer is U.Antuna who has scored 10 goals in 25 matches. He has scored 2 penalties.

Necaxa performance and stats

Necaxa is currently 6th in the Liga MX with 18 points.

In the last 28 games it has won 7 times, draw 12 times, and lost 9 times. In its last match, Necaxa won 3-1 against Atlético San Luis.

It has a positive goal difference after scoring 18 goals and conceding 14.

The leading scorers are F.Batista and E.Méndez with 4 goals each.


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