Round : KNVB Beker H2H, Predictions 16th January

Netherlands KNVB Beker 2023-2024 Round- 2024-01-16 matches
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Head to head, Prediction and statistics for Excelsior Maassluis vs ADO Den Haag, Excelsior vs FC Groningen and AZ vs Quick Boys. They will play on 16th January.

Excelsior Maassluis vs ADO Den Haag Prediction

Excelsior Maassluis will play the next match in KNVB Beker against ADO Den Haag in Rotterdam. The prediction is that ADO Den Haag will be the winner of the match. Following our analysis, there are 62.5% chances that ADO Den Haag will be the team on the winning side. There is a 23.81% chance of a draw.

Excelsior Maassluis performance and stats

Excelsior Maassluis is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The leading scorer is R.Omar Ouali who has scored 1 goal in 3 matches. He scored nothing on the penalty.

ADO Den Haag performance and stats

ADO Den Haag is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The leading scorers are D.van Mieghem and J.Ideho with 1 goal each.

Excelsior vs FC Groningen Prediction

Excelsior will play the next match in KNVB Beker against FC Groningen in Rotterdam. The prediction is that Excelsior will be the winner of the match. Following our analysis, there are 40% chances that Excelsior prevails. There is a 27.78% chance of a draw.

Excelsior vs FC Groningen Head to Head (H2H)

  • Excelsior: 4
  • Draw: 4
  • FC Groningen: 14

Excelsior performance and stats

Excelsior is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The leading scorers are S.Horemans, J.Baas, L.Lamprou and N.Agrafiotis with 1 goal each.

FC Groningen performance and stats

FC Groningen is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The top scorers are L.Valente, R.Postema and L.Duarte with 1 goal each.

AZ vs Quick Boys Prediction

AZ will play the next match in KNVB Beker against Quick Boys in Alkmaar. The prediction is that AZ will win the contest. As per our forecast, there are 87.57% chances that AZ prevails. There is a 11.76% chance of a draw.

AZ performance and stats

AZ is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The leading scorers are V.Pavlidis, R.van Bommel and J.Odgaard with 1 goal each.

Quick Boys performance and stats

Quick Boys is currently th in the KNVB Beker with points.

It has a even goal difference after scoring goals and conceding .

The leading scorer is S.van Duijn who has scored 3 goals in 3 matches. He scored nothing on the penalty.


Rubio Fidel

At the European football team LOOTRS, Rubio works as a journalist. He began playing the game at the age of five, and since then, Jose Mourinho, Arsene Wenger, Thierry Henry, and Zinedine Zidane have all served as inspirations. He provides readers with the most recent news and trends that he keeps up of. In addition to covering football, Rubio is a certified yoga instructor and coach.