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Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro Timeline

The Teams Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro timeline has played 3 Games up to today. Among them, Cuiabá won 2 games ( 1 at home, 1 at away), Cruzeiro won 0 ( 0 at home, 0 at away), and Cuiabá draw 1 (0 at home, 1 at away).

Cuiabá has scored 0.67 goals on average in each game. On the other side, Cruzeiro has scored 0 goals on average in each game.

H2H Record

Serie A
Cuiabá 1
Cruzeiro 0
Draw 0
Total 1
Serie B
Draw 1
Cuiabá 1
Cruzeiro 0
Total 2

Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro Head to head Statistics

Home team
Head to head
Away team

Cruzeiro vs Cuiabá Lineups

Cruzeiro Cruzeiro
Cuiabá Cuiabá

Top Players

See how Cruzeiro and Cuiabá measure up against each other by comparing their top rated lineups! Get all the information you need in this helpful chart.

8.0Matheus Pereira
7.6João Marcelo
7.0D. Alves Borges
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Cruzeiro vs Cuiabá Goal Scorer

Cruzeiro Matheus Pereira (45')

Player Statistics

Player Team Goals Assists Tackles Acc. passes Duals Won Minutes played Position Rating
Matheus Pereira 1 0 1 21/25 (84%) 4/7 57 M 8.04
William 0 1 2 22/25 (88%) 3/7 57 D 8.02
João Marcelo 0 0 4 41/45 (91%) 5/5 57 D 7.61
Kaiki 0 0 2 18/19 (94%) 8/12 57 D 7.42
Marllon 0 0 2 17/20 (85%) 4/6 57 D 7.05
Railan 0 0 4 23/27 (85%) 8/12 57 D 7.03
Denilson 0 0 0 26/29 (89%) 3/4 57 M 6.95
Zé Ivaldo 0 0 1 30/37 (81%) 2/3 57 D 6.90
Alan Empereur 0 0 0 27/34 (79%) 1/2 57 D 6.80
Lucas Romero 0 0 0 26/33 (78%) 0/3 57 M 6.74
Lucas Mineiro 0 0 1 25/29 (86%) 3/6 57 M 6.72
Max 0 0 0 17/24 (70%) 1/3 57 M 6.71
Álvaro Barreal 0 0 3 24/29 (82%) 5/9 50 M 6.65
Lucas Silva 0 0 0 24/26 (92%) 0/4 57 M 6.64
Clayson 0 0 2 16/19 (84%) 3/8 57 M 6.62
Isidro Pitta 0 0 0 7/8 (87%) 1/3 57 A 6.62
Gabriel Veron 0 0 1 4/8 (50%) 2/4 57 M 6.52
Jonathan Cafú 0 0 0 15/20 (75%) 5/14 57 M 6.45
Rafael Silva 0 0 0 4/6 (66%) 2/7 57 A 6.43
Ramon 0 0 0 19/23 (82%) 2/4 57 D 6.20


Player Team Shots on target Shots off target Shots blocked Dribble attempts (succ.) Position Rating
Matheus Pereira 1/1 0 0 1/1 M 8.04
William 1/1 0 1 0/2 D 8.02
João Marcelo 0/0 0 0 0/0 D 7.61
Kaiki 0/0 0 0 3/3 D 7.42
Marllon 0/0 0 1 0/0 D 7.05
Railan 0/0 0 0 2/3 D 7.03
Denilson 0/0 0 0 2/3 M 6.95
Zé Ivaldo 0/0 0 0 1/1 D 6.90
Alan Empereur 0/0 0 0 0/0 D 6.80
Lucas Romero 0/0 0 0 0/0 M 6.74
Lucas Mineiro 0/0 0 0 0/0 M 6.72
Max 0/0 0 0 0/1 M 6.71
Álvaro Barreal 1/1 0 0 1/3 M 6.65
Lucas Silva 0/0 0 0 0/0 M 6.64
Clayson 0/0 0 0 1/3 M 6.62
Isidro Pitta 0/0 0 0 0/0 A 6.62
Gabriel Veron 0/0 0 1 0/1 M 6.52
Jonathan Cafú 0/0 0 0 0/2 M 6.45
Rafael Silva 0/0 0 0 0/1 A 6.43
Ramon 0/0 0 0 1/1 D 6.20

Goalkeeper Statistics

Player Team Saves punches Inside box saves Rating
Walter 2 0 1 6.80
Anderson 0 0 0 6.24

Head to head Timeline

Cuiabá CUI
Season so far
CRU Cruzeiro
Total matches
Last 5
Shots on goal
Scored per match
Received per match
On target
Off target
Yellow cards
Red cards

Match info

Referee M. de Lima Henrique
City Belo Horizonte
Address Avenida Antonio Abrahão Carã 1001, Pampulhas
Capacity 62000

Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro Insights

Who is the best performing team in the Serie A?

Cuiabá played 7 matches, won once, lost 5 times, and it draw once.

Cruzeiro played 6 matches, won 3 times, lost twice, and it draw once.

So far this season in the Serie A, Cuiabá have averaged 0.57 Points Per match and Cruzeiro 1.67 Points Per match. Cruzeiro is +66% better in terms of match points.

Last 5 match Performance

In the past 5 matches, Cuiabá lost the last 3 matches. On other side, Cruzeiro has won 2, lost 2 and draw 1.

Goal Performance

Cuiabá has a negative goal difference (-8) after scoring 5 goals and receiving 13 goals.

Cruzeiro has a negative goal difference (-1) after scoring 8 goals and receiving 9 goals.

H2H Stats

Cuiabá and Cruzeiro have faced off 3 times, with Cuiabá winning 2 and Cruzeiro winning 0. 1 of the encounters have been in draws. Cuiabá is +100% better in terms of match wins.

Most popular predictions tips

Betting Tips 1x2
162.5% X25% 217.39%
Over(2.5)42.55% Under(2.5)63.65%
Both Teams To Score
No66.67% Yes40%
Correct Score
1 1:020% 1 2:016.67% Draw 0:013.33%
Draw 1:112.5% 1 2:111.11% 2 0:110%
Odd52.63% Even51.28%
Team Corners
1(Over 6.5)54.56% 1(Under 6.5)54.56% 2(Over 3.5)44.44% 2(Under 3.5)63.65%
All CUI vs CRU Predictions →

About the Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro Timeline

Cuiabá is going head to head with Cruzeiro starting on 13 Jun 2024 at 22:00 UTC at Estádio Governador Magalhães Pinto, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The match is a part of the Serie A.

In the Brazil Serie A, the two teams played a total of 1 games before, of which Cuiabá won 1, Cruzeiro won 0 and the two teams draw 0.

In the Brazil Serie B, the two teams played a total of 2 games before, of which Cuiabá won 1, Cruzeiro won 0 and the two teams draw 1.

You have arrived at the page where you may compare the teams Cuiabá versus Cruzeiro timeline before the game begins. Statistics for both teams can be easily compared here.

Under/Over Statistics, Predictions

UNDER 2.5 Goals: According to forecasts, the game will finish with two goals or less (Over 2.5 - 42.55%, Under 2.5 - 63.65%). So far, the combined matches of Cuiabá and Cruzeiro have ended 3 times with 2 goals or less. They never got into a game that ended with more than 2 goals.

On the home soil, Cuiabá participated in 1 match that ended with the teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 - 100.0%).

When playing away, Cruzeiro played 2 matches that finished with 2 goals or less (UNDER 2.5 - 100.0%).


Who is better Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro FC?

Last 3 matches, Cuiabá scored a total of 2 goals and won 2 games (67%) and Cruzeiro scored a total of 0 goals and won 0 games (0%). 33% was draw.

Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro kick off time?

Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro is scheduled for a 10.00pm GMT kick-off on Thursday June 13, 2024.

How to watch Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro live?

The match will be shown on:

  • 1xBet
  • 1xBet.kz
  • bet365
  • bet365.nj
  • Chance
  • Tipsport
  • Tipsport SK
  • BetClic.fr
  • Betclic.pl
  • SporTV: Brazil
  • Superbet.pl
This page contains information about a team's detailed from 2005.
Cuiabá vs Cruzeiro Timeline & Lineups Video

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