1. HNL 2022-2023: Round 28 Head to Head, Prediction 8th April

Croatia 1. HNL 2022-2023 Round-28 2023-04-08 matches
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Head to head, Prediction and statistics for Gorica vs Osijek, Lokomotiva Zagreb vs Dinamo Zagreb and Rijeka vs Šibenik. They will play on 8th April.

Gorica vs Osijek Prediction

Gorica will play the next match in 1. HNL against Osijek in Velika Gorica. The prediction is that Gorica will win the match. According to our forecast, there are 39.22% chances that Gorica prevails. There is a 32.26% chance of a draw. The prediction is that Osijek will win the match. As per our analysis, there are 39.22% chances that Osijek will win the encounter. There is a 32.26% chance of a draw.

Gorica vs Osijek Head to Head (H2H)

  • Gorica: 5
  • Draw: 6
  • Osijek: 8

Gorica performance and stats

Gorica is currently 10th in the 1. HNL with 17 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 3 times, draw 8 times, and lost 16 times. In its last match, Gorica draw 1-1 against Dinamo Zagreb.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 21 goals and conceding 41.

The top scorers are J.Mitrović and T.Fruk with 3 goals each.

Osijek performance and stats

Osijek is currently 3rd in the 1. HNL with 38 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 10 times, draw 8 times, and lost 9 times. In its last match, Osijek draw 1-1 against Rijeka.

It has a positive goal difference after scoring 34 goals and conceding 29.

The top scorer is D.Drena Beljo who has scored 8 goals in 16 matches. He has scored 1 penalty.

Lokomotiva Zagreb vs Dinamo Zagreb Prediction

Lokomotiva Zagreb will play the next match in 1. HNL against Dinamo Zagreb in Zagreb. The prediction is that Dinamo Zagreb will win the match. Following our forecast, there are 64.52% chances that Dinamo Zagreb will be the team on the winning side. There is a 26.67% chance of a draw.

Lokomotiva Zagreb vs Dinamo Zagreb Head to Head (H2H)

  • Lokomotiva Zagreb: 4
  • Draw: 5
  • Dinamo Zagreb: 39

Lokomotiva Zagreb performance and stats

Lokomotiva Zagreb is currently 8th in the 1. HNL with 33 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 9 times, draw 6 times, and lost 12 times. In its last match, Lokomotiva Zagreb draw 1-1 against Varaždin.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 36 goals and conceding 38.

The top scorer is S.Kulenović who has scored 7 goals in 27 matches. He scored nothing on the penalty.

Dinamo Zagreb performance and stats

Dinamo Zagreb is currently 1st in the 1. HNL with 60 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 18 times, draw 6 times, and lost 3 times. In its last match, Dinamo Zagreb draw 1-1 against Gorica.

It has a positive goal difference after scoring 63 goals and conceding 25.

The top scorer is B.Petković who has scored 9 goals in 24 matches. He has scored 1 penalty.

Rijeka vs Šibenik Prediction

Rijeka will play the next match in 1. HNL against Šibenik in Rijeka. The prediction is that Rijeka will be the winner of the match. As per our analysis, there are 66.67% chances that Rijeka prevails. There is a 27.78% chance of a draw.

Rijeka vs Šibenik Head to Head (H2H)

  • Rijeka: 11
  • Draw: 7
  • Šibenik: 8

Rijeka performance and stats

Rank 4th
Won 14
Draw 7
Lost 15

Rijeka is currently 7th in the 1. HNL with 35 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 10 times, draw 5 times, and lost 12 times. In its last match, Rijeka draw 1-1 against Osijek.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 32 goals and conceding 35.

The top scorer is M.Frigan who has scored 8 goals in 23 matches. He has scored 1 penalty.

Šibenik performance and stats

Šibenik is currently 9th in the 1. HNL with 24 points.

In the last 27 games it has won 4 times, draw 12 times, and lost 11 times. In its last match, Šibenik lost 2-3 against Hajduk Split.

It has a negative goal difference after scoring 20 goals and conceding 33.

The leading scorer is I.Dolček who has scored 4 goals in 23 matches. He scored nothing on the penalty.

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