Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mateo Pavlović

Position Defender, Midfielder
Age 34
Height 196 cm
Weight 94 kg

Stats of Mateo Pavlović

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2023/2024 19 0
2022/2023 15 0
2021/2022 27 2
2020/2021 18 0
2019/2020 13 0
2018/2019 31 2
2017/2018 26 2
2016/2017 15 1
2014/2015 0 0
2014 0 0
2013/2014 0 0
2012/2013 22 0
2011/2012 25 4
2010/2011 26 1
Team / Club Appe Goal
Angers SCO 103 5
Amiens SC 27 2
Rudeš 19 0
Rijeka 15 0
Werder Bremen 4 0
Saint-Étienne 0 0
Ferencváros 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Competition Appe Goal Asst
1. HNL 101 5 0
Ligue 1 91 5 2
Ligue 2 25 2 0
Coupe de France 9 0 1
Coupe de la Ligue 5 0 0
Bundesliga 4 0 0
Europa Conference League 2 0 0
Europa League 0 0 0
WC Qualification Europe 0 0 0

Mateo Pavlović Info

Mateo Pavlović is 34 years old. Born on 09-06-1990. Mateo Pavlović is 196 cm tall. He is 94 kg weight. Mateo Pavlović is from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mateo Pavlović wear the No. 90 shirt. He played most of the time Defender, Midfielder position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.