
Marko Marić

Position Goalkeeper
Age 28
Height 191 cm
Weight 89 kg

Stats of Marko Marić

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 14 22
2022/2023 2 19
2021 22 41
2021/2022 1 15
2020 23 40
2019 30 47
2018 25 44
2018/2019 1 6
2017 1 17
2015/2016 24 44
2014/2015 7 3
2013/2014 1 2
Team / Club Appe Conc
Lillestrøm 57 114
Houston Dynamo 45 81
Lechia Gdańsk 24 44
Zrinjski 14 22
Rapid Vienna 8 5
Atromitos 3 34
Competition Appe Conc Asst
Eliteserien 56 108 0
Major League Soccer 45 81 0
Ekstraklasa 24 44 0
Admiral Bundesliga 8 2 0
Europa Conference League 6 10 0
Europa League 5 15 0
Champions League 4 6 0
Super League 3 34 0

Marko Marić Info

Marko Marić is 28 years old. Born on 03-01-1996. Marko Marić is 191 cm tall. He is 89 kg weight. Marko Marić is from Austria. Marko Marić wear the No. 0 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.