logo: Dinamo Zagreb
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logo: Istra 1961

Match info

City Zagreb
Address Maksimirska cesta 128
Capacity 5000

Head to head Matches


What time is Dinamo Zagreb vs Istra 1961 kick-off?

Dinamo Zagreb vs Istra 1961 is scheduled for a 05.00pm GMT kick-off on Saturday August 3, 2024.

Under/Over Statistics, Predictions
So far, the combined matches of Dinamo Zagreb and Istra 1961 have ended 27 times with 2 goals or less and 28 times with more than 2 goals.

When performing at home, Dinamo Zagreb took part to 12 matches that finished with 2 goals or less (UNDER 2.5 - 44.4%) and 15 matches that ended with more than 2 goals (OVER 2.5 - 55.6%).

When playing away from home, Istra 1961 participated in 15 matches that ended with both teams scoring 2 goals or less in total (UNDER 2.5 - 53.6%) and 13 matches that finished with more than 2 goals (OVER 2.5 - 46.4%).

This page contains information about a team's detailed from 2005.
Dinamo Zagreb vs Istra 1961 Prediction Video

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