
Diogo Alexandre

Position Defender
Age 24
Height 173 cm
Weight 66 kg
Match Date
5 - 0
46' 0 0 0 0 26 Nov 2023
1 - 1
75' 0 0 0 0 21 Oct 2023

Stats of Diogo Alexandre

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2023/2024 1 0
Team / Club Appe Goal
Atlético Malveira 1 0
Competition Appe Goal Asst
Taça De Portugal 1 0 0

Diogo Alexandre Info

Diogo Alexandre is 24 years old. Born on 04-03-2000. Diogo Alexandre is 173 cm tall. He is 66 kg weight. Diogo Alexandre is from Portugal. Diogo Alexandre wear the No. 0 shirt. He played 2 matches, Diogo Alexandre has received 0 red cards and 0 yellow cards this season. He played most of the time Defender position. He played total 121 minutes and scored 0 goals and assist 0 time.