
Abo Eisa

Position Attacker, Midfielder
Age 28
Match Date
2 - 0
31' 0 0 0 0 02 Dec 2023
1 - 0
86' 0 0 0 0 19 Nov 2023
1 - 1
44' 0 0 0 0 16 Nov 2023
1 - 1
46' 0 0 0 0 05 Nov 2023

Stats of Abo Eisa

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2026 2 0
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 35 9
2022/2023 15 2
2021/2022 5 0
2020/2021 40 9
2019/2020 30 5
2018/2019 19 2
2017/2018 5 1
2005/2006 0 0
Team / Club Appe Goal
Scunthorpe United 69 14
Grimsby Town 35 9
Bradford City 20 2
Colchester United 14 2
Shrewsbury Town 11 1
Sudan 2 0
Competition Appe Goal Asst
League Two 131 27 11
League One 10 1 0
FA Cup 5 0 0
Carabao Cup 3 0 0
CAF World Cup Qualifiers 2 0 0

Abo Eisa Info

Abo Eisa is 28 years old. Born on 05-01-1996. Abo Eisa is from Sudan. Abo Eisa wear the No. 7 shirt. He played 4 matches, Abo Eisa has received 0 red cards and 0 yellow cards this season. He played most of the time Attacker, Midfielder position. He played total 207 minutes and scored 0 goals and assist 0 time.