
Marko Johansson

Position Goalkeeper
Age 26
Height 192 cm
Weight 80 kg

Stats of Marko Johansson

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 0 0
2023 11 17
2022 0 0
2022/2023 0 21
2021 9 16
2021/2022 7 29
2020 24 37
2020/2021 3 3
2018/2019 0 0
2018 29 61
2016 0 5
2015 0 8
2015/2016 1 2
Team / Club Appe Conc
Malmö FF 29 59
Trelleborg 29 61
Halmstad 11 17
Mjällby 8 18
Hamburger SV 7 23
Hansa Rostock 0 0
VfL Bochum 1848 0 21
Competition Appe Conc Asst
Allsvenskan 73 144 1
2. Bundesliga 7 19 0
Europa League 3 3 0
Champions League 1 8 0
DFB Pokal 0 6 0
Bundesliga 0 19 0

Marko Johansson Info

Marko Johansson is 26 years old. Born on 25-08-1998. Marko Johansson is 192 cm tall. He is 80 kg weight. Marko Johansson is from Sweden. Marko Johansson wear the No. 40 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.