
Moustapha Name

Position Attacker, Midfielder
Age 29
Height 188 cm

Stats of Moustapha Name

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2026 0 0
2024/2025 0 0
2023 0 0
2022/2023 5 0
2022 3 0
2021/2022 33 10
2021 1 0
2020/2021 32 4
2019/2020 2 1
Team / Club Appe Goal
Paris 70 14
Senegal 4 0
Pau 2 1
Paphos 0 0
Competition Appe Goal Asst
Ligue 2 69 11 9
Coupe de France 3 4 0
CAF World Cup Qualifiers 3 0 0
Africa Cup of Nations Qualifications 1 0 0
Europa League 0 0 0

Moustapha Name Info

Moustapha Name is 29 years old. Born on 05-05-1995. Moustapha Name is 188 cm tall. Moustapha Name is from Senegal. Moustapha Name wear the No. 25 shirt. He played most of the time Attacker, Midfielder position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.