
Jari De

Position Goalkeeper
Age 25
Height 190 cm

Stats of Jari De

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 30 31
2022/2023 18 36
2021/2022 10 37
2020/2021 0 14
2019/2020 0 1
2018/2019 0 0
2017/2018 2 21
2016/2017 0 8
Team / Club Appe Conc
Lommel United 58 118
Gent 0 1
Competition Appe Conc Asst
Challenger Pro League 60 138 1
UEFA Europa League Play-offs 0 9 0
Pro League 0 1 0

Jari De Info

Jari De is 25 years old. Born on 21-10-1999. Jari De is 190 cm tall. Jari De is from Belgium. Jari De wear the No. 20 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.