
Ross Doohan

Position Goalkeeper
Age 26
Height 186 cm

Stats of Ross Doohan

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 1 1
2022/2023 45 68
2021/2022 33 48
2020/2021 7 40
2018/2019 2 4
2017/2018 0 3
Team / Club Appe Conc
Tranmere Rovers 59 74
Forest Green Rovers 19 40
Ross County 5 35
Ayr United 2 4
Dundee United 2 4
Aberdeen 1 1
Celtic 0 6
Competition Appe Conc Asst
League Two 55 62 0
League One 19 40 0
Premiership 8 44 0
FA Cup 3 6 0
Premiership Play-Offs 2 4 0
Carabao Cup 1 6 0
Europa Conference League 0 0 0
Champions League 0 2 0
Europa League 0 0 0

Ross Doohan Info

Ross Doohan is 26 years old. Born on 29-03-1998. Ross Doohan is 186 cm tall. Ross Doohan is from Scotland. Ross Doohan wear the No. 31 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.