
Boy Waterman

Position Goalkeeper
Age 40
Height 188 cm
Weight 80 kg

Stats of Boy Waterman

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 1 0
2022/2023 0 48
2021/2022 8 34
2020/2021 23 48
2019/2020 1 16
2018/2019 8 9
2017/2018 9 7
2016/2017 16 15
2015/2016 11 17
2014/2015 4 2
2013/2014 34 0
2012/2013 36 49
2011/2012 30 0
2010/2011 33 56
2005/2006 0 0
Team / Club Appe Conc
APOEL 45 64
PSV 37 97
De Graafschap 33 56
OFI 31 82
Alemannia Aachen 30 0
Competition Appe Conc Asst
Eredivisie 63 131 0
Europa League 35 57 0
Super Lig 34 0 0
Super League 30 81 0
2. Bundesliga 30 0 0
Champions League 22 29 0
KNVB Beker 0 3 0

Boy Waterman Info

Boy Waterman is 40 years old. Born on 24-01-1984. Boy Waterman is 188 cm tall. He is 80 kg weight. Boy Waterman is from Netherlands. Boy Waterman wear the No. 24 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.