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England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina Predicted Lineups

England England
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Top Players

See how England and Bosnia and Herzegovina measure up against each other by comparing their top rated lineups! Get all the information you need in this helpful chart.

7.9Ivan Toney
7.4Jude Bellingham
7.1Phil Foden
7.6Ermedin Demirović
7.1Rade Krunić
7.0Anel Ahmedhodzic
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Match info

City Newcastle upon Tyne
Stadium St. James' Park
Address St. James' Street
Capacity 52409

England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina Insights

Who is the best performing team in the Friendly International?

England played 0 matches, won 0 times, it has never lost up to now, and it never draw so far.

Bosnia and Herzegovina played 0 matches, won 0 times, it has never lost up to now, and it never draw so far.


England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina kick off time?

England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina is scheduled for a 06.45pm GMT kick-off on Monday June 3, 2024.

This page contains information about a team's detailed from 2005.
England vs Bosnia and Herzegovina Timeline & Lineups Video

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