
Jordan Garrick

Position Attacker, Defender, Midfielder
Age 26

Stats of Jordan Garrick

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2023/2024 8 2
2022/2023 35 6
2021/2022 47 7
2020/2021 24 2
2019/2020 14 3
2018/2019 0 0
Team / Club Appe Goal
Plymouth Argyle 47 7
Forest Green Rovers 30 7
Swansea City 19 3
Swindon Town 19 2
Lincoln City 13 1
Competition Appe Goal Asst
League One 93 11 11
Championship 14 2 0
FA Cup 8 3 1
League Two 8 2 0
Carabao Cup 5 2 0

Jordan Garrick Info

Jordan Garrick is 26 years old. Born on 15-07-1998. Jordan Garrick is from England. Jordan Garrick wear the No. 11 shirt. He played most of the time Attacker, Defender, Midfielder position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.