

Position Goalkeeper
Age 37
Height 190 cm
Weight 81 kg

Stats of Guaita

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Conc
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 27 39
2022/2023 28 37
2021/2022 30 45
2020/2021 37 67
2019/2020 35 42
2018/2019 24 50
2017/2018 33 32
2016/2017 12 34
2015/2016 38 67
2014/2015 29 48
2013/2014 10 16
2012/2013 19 18
2011/2012 28 17
2010/2011 23 6
2008/2009 1 0
2007/2008 0 7
2006/2007 0 0
2005/2006 0 0
Team / Club Appe Conc
Crystal Palace 154 241
Getafe 112 181
Valencia 81 64
Celta de Vigo 27 39
Competition Appe Conc Asst
La Liga 186 199 0
Premier League 149 231 0
La Liga 2 12 34 0
Champions League 10 21 0
Europa League 9 23 0
Copa Del Rey 3 7 0
Carabao Cup 3 2 0
FA Cup 2 8 0
Championship 0 0 0

Guaita Info

Guaita is 37 years old. Born on 10-01-1987. Guaita is 190 cm tall. He is 81 kg weight. Guaita is from Spain. Guaita wear the No. 25 shirt. He played most of the time Goalkeeper position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.