
Macauley Gillesphey

Position Defender
Age 29
Height 180 cm
Weight 70 kg

Stats of Macauley Gillesphey

This page contains information about a player's detailed stats from 2005.
Season Appe Goal
2024/2025 0 0
2023/2024 21 0
2022/2023 36 2
2021/2022 45 2
2020/2021 23 3
2019/2020 27 1
2018/2019 27 0
2016/2017 33 0
2015/2016 15 0
2009/2010 0 0
2008/2009 0 0
2005/2006 0 0
Team / Club Appe Goal
Plymouth Argyle 85 4
Carlisle United 75 0
Brisbane Roar 50 4
Charlton Athletic 17 0
Competition Appe Goal Asst
League One 92 3 3
League Two 69 0 3
A-League Men 50 4 4
FA Cup 8 1 0
Championship 4 0 0
Carabao Cup 4 0 0

Macauley Gillesphey Info

Macauley Gillesphey is 29 years old. Born on 24-11-1995. Macauley Gillesphey is 180 cm tall. He is 70 kg weight. Macauley Gillesphey is from England. Macauley Gillesphey wear the No. 27 shirt. He played most of the time Defender position. He played total minutes and scored goals and assist time.