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Júbilo Iwata vs Reims Predicted Lineups

Júbilo Iwata Júbilo Iwata
Reims Reims

Top Players

See how Júbilo Iwata and Reims measure up against each other by comparing their top rated lineups! Get all the information you need in this helpful chart.

7.1Ricardo Graça
7.0Rei Hirakawa
6.8Kaito Suzuki
7.7Amadou Koné
7.6Sergio Akieme
7.3Yunis Abdelhamid
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Match info

City Iwata
Stadium Yamaha Stadium
Address 2500 Shingai
Capacity 5000

Júbilo Iwata vs Reims Insights

Who is the best performing team in the Club Friendlies 3?

Júbilo Iwata played 0 matches, won 0 times, it has never lost up to now, and it never draw so far.

Reims played 0 matches, won 0 times, it has never lost up to now, and it never draw so far.


Júbilo Iwata vs Reims kick off time?

Júbilo Iwata vs Reims is scheduled for a 10.30am GMT kick-off on Wednesday July 24, 2024.

This page contains information about a team's detailed from 2005.
Júbilo Iwata vs Reims Timeline & Lineups Video

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